A to Z Services and Projects


The project is born with the aim to foster awareness, knowledge and uptake of 3DP technologies by facilitating and promoting SMEs’ access to high quality services related to testing, validating and certifying 3D printing solutions. 

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A.SPIRE - Sustainable Process Industry through Resource and Energy Efficiency

A.SPIRE is the European Association which is committed to manage and implement the SPIRE Public-Private Partnership

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ACCENT | Accompany City in Energy Strategy

ACCENT is a Climate-KIC project that aims at supporting the energy transition of European cities by developing a web based platform to visualize, analyze and share energy data related to buildings. 

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AD-ASTRA | Aerospace Districts: Acceleration of the Strategic Transfer of Regional Advancements

This proposal aims at the development of a connected interregional innovation ecosystems between 5 EU regions (i.e., Toulouse, South Holland, Madrid, Apulia, and Emilia-Romagna) with different innovation readiness levels but a shared interest in fostering aerospace innovations and sectors.

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AGRESTIC - Reduction of Agricultural GReenhouse gases EmiSsions Through Innovative Cropping systems

LIFE AGRESTIC aims to promote the adoption of innovative and efficient cropping systems, based on the introduction of legumes and catch crops in four-year rotations of cereals and industrial crops, and of innovative tools in order to mitigate the impact of agricultural activity on climate change and optimize agronomic management.

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AI-REGIO | Regions and DIHs alliance for AI-driven digital transformation of European Manufacturing SMEs

The AI-REGIO project aims at building and alliance between DIHs and running initiatives (Vanguard Initiative, S3 Platforms, AI4MS,...), involving industry and service providers, to foster and facilitate an AI-driven digital transformation for SMEs and Big Companies. Starting from already running services for industry, AI-Regio aims at create a network to share services and competencies across Regions.

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ASTER in Silicon Valley

Emilia-Romagna in Silicon Valley supports and promotes the two-way link between our region and Silicon Valley

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BEST | Energy CheckUp

The “BEST Energy CheckUp” project is a DEMONSTRATOR aiming at implementing full-spectrum energy saving scans for SMEs.

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BEST-DIH | Boosting European DIH Success Through a new funding mix approach

Obiettivo del progetto è migliorare l'attuazione delle politiche di sviluppo regionale nel campo della trasformazione digitale,

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Biomether | Biomethane Emilia-Romagna regional system

Biomether aims at boosting the biomethane value chain in Emilia-Romagna. The project will realize two demonstration plants for biomethane production for direct grid injection. These demonstration plants will act as foot-in-the-door for the development of the biomethane value chain in the region.

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